The dates are set for the 2020 90th AKAA Reunion at the Grand National Marriot in Opelika. Planning is well underway and your board and officers are working hard behind the scenes to make it a great one. It is not too early to make your plans to be there and to start making your reservations. The basic room rates had a minor increase from $119.00 in 2019 to $129.00 this year. Sorry the rate couldn’t be better, but we will try our best to keep these rates down going forward.
The event dates are set as follows:
Auburn Knights Reunion 2020 |
Start Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 |
End Date: Sunday, July 12, 2020 |
Last Day to Book: Monday, June 8, 2020 |
Auburn Marriott Opelika Resort & Spa at Grand offering your special group rate: |
129 USD – 179 USD per night.
Room Categories Available:
Start Date | End Date | Room Type | Rate |
7/08/2020 | 7/11/2020 | Run Of House | $129.00 |
7/08/2020 | 7/11/2020 | Junior Suite | $149.00 |
7/08/2020 | 7/11/2020 | Executive Kitchen Suite | $169.00 |
7/08/2020 | 7/11/2020 | Executive Kitchen Suite – 2 Queens | $179.00 |
Hotel’s room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 13%) in effect at the time of check-out.
NOTE: ** Reservations are subject to 1st night non-refundable deposit equal to the room rate**
You can book your AKAA reservation at this link: Book your group rate for Auburn Knights Reunion 2020
Or, if you choose to call the Marriott directly for your reservation and not use the ResLink, be sure to mention Auburn Knights Reunion. A booking code of KNI can also be referenced. The number to call is 1.800.593.6456.
More information about the reunion will continue to flow to you over the next couple of months. Our February Board / Officer mtg. has been confirmed and many items about the reunion will be discussed and finalized during that meeting.
Please start your planning to attend the reunion. We hope to see you all there! Make your room reservation per the instructions above anytime and if anyone is ready to take care of your 2020 membership dues right away, please go to to take care of your membership dues.
Long Live The Knights!