Category: Uncategorized
AKAA Reunion 2024 Hotel Information
The 2024 AKAA Reunion Celebrating 94 years of the Auburn Knights Orchestra is a little less than a year away! The Marriott has provided a…
AKAA Reunion 2023 Concert Tickets
Purchase your concert tickets for the upcoming AKAA Reunion! Concerts will be held Friday, July 14th at 7:00 P.M. and Saturday, July 15th at 7:00…
2020 AKAA Reunion Cancelled
Greetings to all Auburn Knights Alumni and Friends, As President of the AKAA, it’s my sad duty to tell you we have cancelled the 2020…
2020 AKAA Reunion
The dates are set for the 2020 90th AKAA Reunion at the Grand National Marriot in Opelika. Planning is well underway and your board and officers…
2019 AKAA Reunion Audio and Video Recordings
It’s not too late to order recordings from the recent reunion! Thanks to ProCAT for all of their hard work at the recent reunion! ProCAT…
Save The Date
SAVE THE DATE……. Hello everyone! By now the “Save The Date” postcard for the 89th 2019 annual AKAA reunion is making its’ way to all…
2019 AKAA Reunion
Greetings to all Auburn Knights Alumni and hope your new year is off to a great start! Planning for the 89th 2019 AKAA Reunion is…