Chalk up the 2017 Reunion as another AKAA success! Near capacity crowds crammed the Marriott ballroom for both the Friday and Saturday evening concerts and the performances of the era bands and current AKO, as usual, were fabulous! The Saturday Jazz Brunch was also a great show with the largest food sales we’ve had in the past four years.
On Friday, a special afternoon event drew a good crowd from the AKAA ranks as well as from the local community. As part of its 40th anniversary celebration, Troy Public Radio hosted a live taping of its popular “In Focus” program in the Ballroom featuring onstage interviews with several Knights discussing the history of the AKO. The show aired on Labor Day on TPR’s three regional stations and online.
This year’s Silent Auction netted over $2,800, thanks to brisk bidding on 45 items from corporate and individual donors. Special thanks go to Jennie St. John, Jamie Johnson, and Ann Morrison for handling the crazy closing frenzy on Saturday night!
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