AKAA Reunion 2024 Pre-Registration and Concert Tickets

You can pre-register for the upcoming AKAA Reunion 2024 now. Visit the reunion info page for all of the details.

You can also purchase your concert tickets for the upcoming AKAA Reunion!

Concerts will be held Friday, July 12th at 7:00 P.M. and Saturday, July 13th at 7:00 P.M.

Tickets can be purchased online through our event ticketing partner TicketLeap at the link below. Alternatively, you can purchase tickets at the door. Ticket prices will be $15 per person for each night.



1 thought on “AKAA Reunion 2024 Pre-Registration and Concert Tickets

  1. Hi! I’m Marie Hand-George Corradino’s daughter. George was in Auburn Knights many yrs ago as he is 94 now. He may have even conducted a little-might be one of the oldest former members! I haven’t mentioned the reunion yet to him as I’m hoping to find out little info on when might be a good time to get him there to see old musician/AK friends. I’m thinking he won’t be wanting to hang around whole day….then make it through the concerts! Also, I have to make sure time works out for me to get him there from Columbus. Thanks for info! Have a great day!
    I’m not sure this was right place to ask this question but I was told to go to this! Thankyou!!

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